- About
│ Message from Director │ Mission Statement │
Message from Director
One of the global challenges that humanity is currently facing is the issue related to water. Water is closely related to not only floods and droughts, but also climate change, food, energy, and environmental issues, and is also extremely important from the perspective of geopolitics and security. The Global Hydrological Prediction Center (GHPC) will establish a strong and systematic team in Komaba, Hongo, and Kashiwa to promote cutting-edge research on observation, process elucidation, modeling, and prediction of hydrological phenomena from river basins in municipal to the global scales, and to contribute to society using the research achievements.
Global Hydrological Prediction Center Director
Mission Statement
The objective of GHPC
The purpose of the Center is to promote cutting-edge research on observation, process elucidation, modeling, and prediction of hydrological phenomena in Japan, from river basins to the global scale, and to contribute to society with the results of such research.
- To build a strong and systematic team in a tripolar structure to further promote the progress of cutting-edge research in “global hydrology,” which has been leading the world through the individual abilities of each person at IIS.
- To produce human resources who will lead the next generation through effective and efficient education.
- To shorten the path to the return of research results to society through appropriate internal and external promotion.